Stichting Goeie Grutten news

Free Press Unlimited

Free Press Unlimited

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Free Press Unlimited – which supports press freedom worldwide – is expanding its knowledge of Artificial Intelligence. This will help...
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Donations democracy, media and privacy donations-home News
Expertise center SPOON believes that everyone has the right to request information from the government through a Freedom of Information...
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Artificial Intelligence is both an opportunity and a threat in the media industry. In 2024, investigative journalists at InvestiCo will...
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We Are Stewards

We Are Stewards

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Steward ownership is a way to shape the ownership and governance of a company. A company is 'its own' and...
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Saxion Resilience Scan

Saxion Resilience Scan

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Saxion University of Applied Sciences has developed a digital tool that allows political office holders to gain insight into the...
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World Press Photo

World Press Photo

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Globally, press freedom is under pressure. As a leading platform for photojournalism, World Press Photo is developing a strategy in...
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Kennisplatform CollectieveKracht

Kennisplatform CollectieveKracht

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CollectieveKracht is the knowledge platform that helps citizen collectives overcome obstacles together. It is independent, free, and accessible to...
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Bits of Freedom

Bits of Freedom

Democracy, Media and Privacy Donations democracy, media and privacy donations-home News
Bits of Freedom wants to give citizens and politicians more insight into both the issues surrounding AI and Internet platforms...
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Future vision of energy supply mobility

Future vision of energy supply mobility

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Natuur & Milieu is using our donation to develop an integrated future scenario for 2030 for the entire Dutch mobility...
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The Energy Validation Lab is a test program for 6 young startups each year from all over the Netherlands who...
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Studio Plantaardig

Studio Plantaardig

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If there's one thing we can do directly to fight the climate crisis, it's eat more plant-based food, and less...
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Public transport, social housing, tap water... All basic facilities. And now there is also MensaMensa. The basic provision for affordable,...
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Donations food donations-home News
IVN Nature Education wants to make a thousand schoolyards and childcare locations greener with food groves. Through growth and tasting...
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Plant FWD

Plant FWD

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Plant FWD is an annual informal B2B conference that brings together startups, brands, retailers, food professionals, policymakers, investors and other...
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We are the Re-generation

We are the Re-generation

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We are the Re-generation is een beweging en platform dat van Nederland kampioen regeneratieve landbouw wil maken. Hoe? Door pioniers...
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Food Boost Challenge

Food Boost Challenge

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The Food Boost Challenge is a program that entices young people to adopt healthier eating habits by letting them come...
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Donations food donations-home News
The world of food needs to be better and fairer. There are very talented young people in the Netherlands with...
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Keep Food Simple

Keep Food Simple

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Keep Food Simple (also) utilizes waste streams of plant-based products by processing them into high-quality food. Goeie Grutten previously supported...
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Fresh Ventures Studio

Fresh Ventures Studio

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Fresh is a startup studio with a mission: to bring about a transformation of our food system within the earth's...
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DIIF stands for a new form of philanthropy. The fund invests donated money in the very first phase of impact-driven...
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Arista Bee Research

Arista Bee Research

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Honeybees play an essential role in pollinating our food crops. The Varroa mite is the leading cause of high bee...
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UN Year of Fruits & Vegetables

UN Year of Fruits & Vegetables

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Through the campaign "Pass on the Color," FoodCabinet and the National Action Plan for Fruits & Vegetables are giving shape...
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SFYN Global

SFYN Global

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The Slow Food Youth Network is a global movement of young people who want to make the world a better...
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National Week Without Meat

National Week Without Meat

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National Week Without Meat is an annual consumer campaign in March aimed at promoting a more flexitarian eating pattern. Through...
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ProVeg International Nederland

ProVeg International Nederland

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ProVeg heeft als missie: wereldwijd 50% minder consumptie van dierlijke producten in 2040. Goeie Grutten steunt ProVeg’s belangrijke (Europese) lobbywerk...
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Energy Race

Energy Race

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Fawaka Entrepreneurial School and Race Against Waste join forces. Through an exciting competition between primary schools, children are introduced to...
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The Green Village

The Green Village

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The Green Village is a small experimental residential area, located on TU Delft Campus. It is a rule-free "open-air lab",...
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Zoutaccu’s Scouting estate Zeewolde

Zoutaccu’s Scouting estate Zeewolde

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At Scouting estate Zeewolde there is a sustainable accommodation building the Avonturenhuis. In the field of energy, solar panels, solar...
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The Gelderland van Morgen project supports entrepreneurs in the hospitality, healthcare and catering sectors in making the food supply more...
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Louis Bolk Institute

Louis Bolk Institute

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The project "Children, climate and healthy eating behaviour" investigates whether primary schools can combine the greening of their schoolyard with...
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Voedselbosbouw NL

Voedselbosbouw NL

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The Green Deal Food Forests partnership has completed a successful start-up phase, in which food forestry has shown itself to...
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Transparency International EN

Transparency International EN

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TI-NL conducts follow-up research into the Dutch lobbying landscape and advocacy for a more transparent lobby. In doing so, it...
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Street farmer

Street farmer

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With the Bean Parade project, stichting Straatboer changes grey business parks into green urbanised areas. Employees of the participating companies,...
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Transition Coalition Food

Transition Coalition Food

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A healthy life on a healthy planet is the mission of Transition Coalition Food. This network organization works broadly on...
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Fawaka Ondernemersschool

Fawaka Ondernemersschool

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Within the FitBizkids program of social enterprise Fawaka Ondernemersschool, children take on the challenge of starting their own sustainable catering...
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Natuur & Milieu

Natuur & Milieu

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CO2-free flexible energy techniques (techniques that can provide energy when needed without co2 being emitted during production) are desperately needed...
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The Eco-Runner Team Delft designs, builds and races the world's most fuel-efficient hydrogen-powered (city) car every year. With the Eco-Runner,...
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Privacy Guide

Privacy Guide

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By setting up a Privacy Guide (website), PrivacyFirst wants to give the citizen insight into the privacy impact of the...
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Wortelschieten is an educational programme of the Foundation de Eetschap, in which New Dutch (uprooted) together with MBO-ers in Agri&Food...
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Snack bar Chew on it

Snack bar Chew on it

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Snack bar Chew on it uses illusion to influence people's eating habits. In the mobile snack bar (cart) two iconic...
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The Fruit and Vegetable Brigade

The Fruit and Vegetable Brigade

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The Fruit and Vegetable brigade combats food waste by saving fruit and vegetables and delivering them to food banks. It...
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Duiner Films& Formats

Duiner Films& Formats

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Stichting Goeie Grutten has supported the production of a documentary about Herenboeren. Herenboerderijen are cooperative small-scale, mixed farms that are...
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Wageningen University

Wageningen University

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In a multi-disciplinary project at Wageningen University experts research using water lentils (duckweed) as a green and high-quality protein source...
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stichting Kromkommer

stichting Kromkommer

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Kromkommer is a foundation that has been encouraging minimizing foodwaste for a few years already. It started with producing soups...
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Stichting Emmet Energy

Stichting Emmet Energy

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The Emmet Energy Foundation is developing a device that transfers the surplus of green energy into methane gas and also...
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Project Eplucheur

Project Eplucheur

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The purpose of project Eplucheur is to extract value from the “waste” of the mango. The peels contain a lot...
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TU Delft

TU Delft

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If we want society to be free of fossil resources, there are many products that we have to produce differently....
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